Fiddles, Flutes everywhere
Fiddles,Flutes everywhere (some banjos too)…if its music you want, be at the Highbernian Nov.15.
Tweet “Trocaire helps bring people together worldwide”-so in that tradition the word ‘traditional’has been expanded to include different forms of music,ranging from the spoken word to full ensemble trad session.[Tweet “Trocaire helps bring people together worldwide”]The line-up;in no particular of merit or style includes-’Strummer and Drummer’who describe there ouvre in terms of Nick Drake,Elliot Smith and Chris Smither.Jeffrey Ng,Kenny Hollywood and Adam Rowat will play a short diverse set of melodies,which may include music from Pink Floyd and John Martyn !Mister Fergus Costello and his lady wife ‘Grace’will forage through a performance that has been described “generally fannying about…it shouldn’t be allowed”.Dan Fone who at present is ‘wanted’for corrupting the youth of Borrisoleigh and Garryglass with his “rare and Rambling”music.Dan has played with Bronco and for the anoracks among you, check out Clifford T Ward band with there rendition of ‘scullery’ on you tube.
Tweet “Michael Healy-a man who truely ‘needs no introduction”’ will kick of proceedings in the company of his trusty sidekick-Vinnie Savage.
Flying the flag in the ‘traditional’corner will include such ‘household names’,including (again in no order of merit), Noel mcQuaid, Seamus McMonagle,PJ Connolly, Michael Searson, Ruth Morrissey,Damien O Donoughue,Theresa Larkin,Paul Higgins,Tony Moran,Van Morrison,Ben Roberts and Marie Keane,Brendan Quinn and Liz Gaughan, Peter Sheridan,Nora Butler and the melodious Christy Hayes on button key accordion.Other participants may turn up ‘on the night’,MC for the evening will be the litigacious Steve Mc Namara ![Tweet “MC for the evening will be the litigacious Steve Mc Namara !”]
P.S.As the performance will be recorded for posterity,all participants will be on there best behaviour-any deviants will be treated in an appropiate manner !
Check out “McQuaid’s Youtube Channel”
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