String players and competition attendees
At the time of writing various ‘fleah cheoil’ will be taking place ” Having attended quite a few competitions over the years;-one important point seems to be over looked by many musicians;the ‘Strings’! Many times i have listened to excellent players, well rehearsed,only to overlook the ‘poor’ sound from there instruments ! “All instruments will sustain and sound better with a regular string change” [Tweet “All instruments will sustain and sound better with regular string change.”]It is erroneous to assume that the strings on the instrument will suffice the instruments lifespan ! Violin, banjo,mandolin ,guitar will all sound much better with recently installed new strings !If you are a novice , most competent music shop employees will be able to offer the service for a small fee ! If you would like to make a comment please go to our Facebook page
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